Budget Reduction

Final Decision on Reductions

Chancellor-Provost Final Budget Reduction Decisions


BAC Recommendation

Chancellor Update and Next Steps on Budget Cuts

BAC Report to the Chancellor - November 2020

BAC Recommendation to the Chancellor - Aug 2020

Budget Summary Data - Aug 2020

Budget Summary Data - June 2020


UCR Budget Reduction Process

Budget Summary Data


Budget Reduction Planning Process - FY21 Budget and Potentially Beyond

1. Use the UCR Values and PRiorities to Drive the Direction and Decisions on Budget Reductions (found here).
2. The BAC will make recommendations to the Provost and Chancellor regarding budget challenges associated with responses to the COVID-19 crisis, with specific focus on the Core budget.
3. It would be important for the BAC to develop recommendations for consideration, which may include the following:
   a. Provide recommendations for the structure and allocation of any budget response targets to reductions in budgets.
   b. Gather input for recommendations on what UCR might do differently/eliminate/ reduce/expand/create going forward to meet the values and goals established.  This would be a particularly important issue to consider and focus on.
4. Some BAC meetings would focus on internal discussions of specific matters, but some may be focused on gathering input.  Share the UCR Values and Priorities document and get input on plans/actions the BAC should consider when making recommendations. Consistent with past practices, BAC members will rotate to host/facilitate these discussions to help assure a thorough and complete discussion. Some of the potential targets for input could include the following (in addition to regular updates with existing groups, like CFAO’s, etc.):
   a. Planning and Budget Committee (note our comment from the next page about working very closely with this group on a regular basis, sharing thoughts and ideas, although we recognize they will submit their own report and set of recommendations)
   b. Deans    
   c. Represented Staff
   d. Staff Assembly 
   e. UG and Graduate Student leadership
   f. Other members of Chancellor’s Cabinet not on the BAC
   g. Town Hall Meetings (more than one) open for campus input
   h. An email address (budgetadvisory@ucr.edu already exists) to receive feedback for BAC discussion
   I. A qualtrics survey to gather input
   The goal would be to complete the initial round of input, at least, by the end of July.
5. Review and provide a recommendation on all budget responses to the COVID-19, to include all funding sources (state, tuition, student fees, CARES funds, FEMA, etc.).
Note:  BAC may Review the materials from last Budget Reduction process for any insights and provide this information broadly to the campus, so they would have it prior to providing their input.

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