About the CFC

The Campus Finance Committee (CFC) brings together leaders from the Academic Senate, Colleges & Schools, and Support Units in a collaborative effort to guide UC Riverside’s financial planning. Meeting monthly, the CFC serves as an advisory body to the Provost and Chancellor, providing insights and recommendations on key financial matters.

The standing committee convenes about once per month to review, discuss, and provide guidance on the university’s core financial plan, including:

  • Annual resource allocation – Ensuring funds are distributed effectively to support campus priorities.
  • One-time funding distributions – Advising on the use of one-time allocations (e.g., HEERF, lottery funds).
  • Routine budget review - Thoroughly evaluating and discussing Org budgets, the summer budget, the tuition calculation, and other pertinent financial matters.
  • Capital investments – Evaluating major infrastructure projects and long-term financial commitments.


CFC Charge & Purpose

The Campus Finance Committee plays a crucial role in engaging leaders from schools, colleges, and major campus units in the development and implementation of UC Riverside’s resource allocation strategies. The committee works collaboratively to:

  • Provide financial oversight and ensure alignment with institutional goals.
  • Develop strategies for budget sustainability and effective fund utilization.
  • Offer guidance on emerging financial challenges and opportunities.
  • Promote transparency and shared governance in budgetary decision-making.

By fostering a collaborative, data-driven approach, the CFC helps shape a financially stable and forward-thinking campus environment.

CFC Timeline

cfc timeline



Meetings & Participation

For more information about the Campus Finance Committee’s work, meeting minutes, and key financial updates, please visit the provost's website.